Cartier is all about renewal. To change while remaining oneself: this is the dynamic that drives Cartier, like eternal spring. Committed to its search for beauty, the Maison believes it has a responsibility to constantly reinvent itself from architecture to products in order to create tomorrow’s treasures.

Chengdu boutique in China

Chengdu boutique in China

Chengdu boutique in China
Chengdu boutique in China

This is an obvious choice for the Maison, for whom boutiques are no longer just commercial outlets but living spaces, open to the world and to beauty. Beyond the sales experience, clients are invited to delight in the presence of decorative elements created by masters of art, as well as by cultural, cinematographic, gastronomic, musical and olfactory encounters. 

Just like the plant design that climbs the façade to the rooftop of 13 Rue de la Paix, a symbol of rich vitality, the Cartier boutiques bustle with life. 

From London to New York, from Paris to Geneva, we share everything that is meaningful to
Cartier: its commitments, its aesthetic choices, its vision of beauty – a matter of elegance and generosity.

Genève 35 boutique
Genève 35 boutique

All different yet intrinsically Cartier: the boutiques unambiguously reflect the spirit of the Maison, regardless of their location. Uniqueness is their common denominator. Light, hospitality, fluidity: nothing is static in the boutique, save for a porosity that generates a natural circulation between inside and outside, between Cartier and the city but also between the Maison’s culture and the site’s culture. Why such an approach? 

An expanding constellation: tomorrows temples

In addition to founding addresses in Paris, London and New York, boutiques in other parts of the world are preparing to become the temples of tomorrow. Two of them in focus: Cheongdam and Chengdu.


When it opened its doors in 2008, Maison Cheongdam was the first Maison Cartier in Asia. In 2022, Cartier decided to give its Korean headquarters an even greater presence and celebrate the profound beauty of Seoul, a city creative in its essence, uniting a respect for tradition and the search for new interpretations of its heritage. The boutique reconciles these two extremes in a harmony based on Seoul and Cartier’s mutual inspiration. Bathed in natural light, the five floors offer an exceptional journey into the heart of the Maison’s universe and put High Jewelry in the spotlight. The fifth floor reveals the Grand Salon, a cultural space at the crossroads of different genres that will host meetings, debates and other exchanges. Like a suspended link between Paris and Seoul. 


What distinguishes the Taikoo Li Chengdu boutique is the expression of a decisive duality: between inside and outside, city and nature, new and old, fast and slow, bold and modest. A tension that echoes the spirit of Cartier: unique, inclusive and continuously innovative. Under the protective gaze of the Panther, Cartier explores the city’s codes, from the ginkgo biloba leaf to bamboo, and even to “Tuan Shouwen,” the symbol of longevity which inspired Cartier to design a cigarette holder that is now part of the Cartier Collection. 


Cartier boutiques worldwide

More than 100

boutiques are renovated and 60 more are created each year

Their lifespan:

5 To 10 Years


firms operate
in the global
network of
Cartier boutiques

The Maisons architects, in their own words


Laura Gonzalez

« We all have our own beauty, our own vision of beauty. What I find beautiful is a place with a soul, a place where harmony is perfect ».
Laura Gonzalez – la Résidence, 13 rue de la Paix, Paris – Chengdu, Paris Vendôme, Madrid Serrano Boutiques…

Ferran Tortosa

«For me, beauty is about balance. Silence is beauty, but there can be no silence if there is no noise. It’s essentially a matter of finding contrast and balance, and managing to control them. »
Ferran Tortosa, Group G4 − Boutiques in Palma de Mallorca, Madrid Canalejas, Barcelona...

The search for spontaneity

Claire Bétaille et Bruno Moinard

« The important thing in a project is maintaining the freshness of a sketch. Sketches are spontaneous. If you touch one, everything becomes labored and you damage the design. »
Bruno Moinard – 13 rue la Paix, Paris, Maison Cheongdam, Milan, Genève 35 Boutiques

The creative process 

Stefano Boeri

« I really think of myself coming in as an editor. What I know I can do is pick and choose certain people and put them in the right conditions to do their best. »
Stefano Boeri – Montenapoleone Boutique, Milan (la Résidence)

The blank page

Isabelle Stanislas

« I’m not afraid of blank pages, I love blank pages! Of course, I have doubts... But through the act of drawing, redrawing, and redrawing again, (...) things become clearer. Those doubts disappear. »
Isabelle Stanislas – Cartier Boutique, La Samaritaine, Paris