10 Years of Cartier Philanthropy 

Cartier Philanthropy is driven by the ideal of a world where everyone can realize their potential. In its ten-year history it has invested 100 million Swiss francs in over 80 non-profit organizations committed to driving long-term positive change always finding inspiration in the resilience of people and communities around the globe.

The BOMA project (Kenya)

The BOMA project (Kenya)

The creation of Cartier Philanthropy, a decade ago, was a pivotal moment in the Maison’s philanthropic journey. Thanks to its adoption of a data-driven, results-oriented approach, it has helped improve the quality of life in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities and poorest regions. The foundation partners with non-profit organizations that are impact-driven, and that excel in their fields of expertise, while always sharing Cartier’s values of trust, integrity, respect and compassion. Across four key focus areas – Access to Basic Services, Women’s Social and Economic Development, Sustainable Livelihood and Ecosystems and Emergency Response – Cartier Philanthropy has supported bold organizations to empower communities by unlocking the power of collective impact.

1 - Women’s social and economic development

The BOMA Project (Kenya)

This project is recognized for its innovative poverty “graduation” program, specifically designed for enhancing the resilience of ultra-poor women living in extreme poverty in the drylands of Africa. Having funded BOMA to address poverty and exclusion among women and youth in pastoralist communities in North Kenya and the Karamoja region of Uganda, the foundation is now supporting them to expand into Southern Ethiopia with the aim of reaching 49,000 people in the region by 2025.

Women for Women International (Rwanda)

This NGO works with the poorest, most socially marginalized women in conflict-affected countries, helping them acquire social and economic skills to transform their lives. As of 2021, Cartier Philanthropy is funding their signature empowerment program in Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda. In Rwanda, women who took part in the program have raised their monthly earnings by 135% and their savings by 558%.


2 - Access to Basic Services

Projet Educate Girls in India
Projet Educate Girls in India

Educate Girls (India)

Educate Girls tackles the gender and literacy gap in rural India’s education system to bring out-of-school girls back to mainstream education. From an initial pilot project of 50 schools in 2007, it has enrolled 950,000 out-of-school girls in over 20,000 villages in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Cartier Philanthropy has been funding its approach since 2014 and is supporting them to reach 1.5 million girls by 2024.

Integrate Health (Togo)

This world organization aims to make quality primary healthcare available to the Togolese population by combining the work of professional community health workers with improved health centers. Their Integrated Primary Care program serves over 200,000 Togolese living across some of the hardest-to-reach communities of the northern part of the country. Integrate Health’s goal is to achieve Universal Health Coverage, beginning in Togo.


3 - Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems

One Acre Fund in Rwanda
One Acre Fund in Rwanda

BRAC (Uganda)

Since its creation in 1972 as a small relief project in a remote corner of Bangladesh, BRAC has grown into one of the world’s biggest non-governmental organizations.  Since 2016 Cartier Philanthropy is supporting BRAC in Uganda to implement its pioneering intervention, called the “graduation approach,” a multifaceted intervention for empowering people to escape extreme poverty. The organization is currently adapting this approach to better serve people with disabilities. 

One Acre Fund (Rwanda)

This NGO supplies financing and training to help smallholders grow their way out of hunger. Founded in Kenya in 2006, the organization has evolved to now serve over 1 million smallholder farmers across six countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. One Acre Fund has doubled its reach in Rwanda since Cartier Philanthropy began supporting them in 2016. Today, this social enterprise aims to reach 1.5 million farmers – a third of the country’s smallholder families – by 2022.

Programme Women for Women International

Programme Women for Women International


4 - Emergency Response

Médecins sans frontières (Ukraine)

MSF teams are providing medical and logistics supplies for hospitals and clinics across Ukraine – including surgical and trauma kits, oxygen, insulin and anesthetics – and mass casualty training for hospital staff to help them prepare for mass influxes of wounded people. MSF is also providing medical care through mobile clinics and a medical train, which between March 31 and June 6, evacuated 653 patients from the east of Ukraine to hospitals in safer parts of the country.

Medair (Somalia)

In south-central Somalia, Medair is delivering critical health, water and nutrition aid to vulnerable populations affected by the protracted drought, on-going conflict, and the impact of rising global food prices resulting from the war in Ukraine. Aiming to assist over 300,000 people by 2023, Medair is particularly focusing on screening and treating malnutrition in children under five and supporting 12 health facilities, both in urban and rural areas.
