High Jewelry Ambassador Gong Li reveals all in the Maison’s take on the Proust Questionnaire.

Your strongest personality trait? 

With enough sleep, I can get anything done.

Your greatest weakness?

When I get busy, I forget everything.

What makes you happiest? 

When I can let go and spend time with my family and friends. 

Three things you would take to a desert island? 

Water, water, water...

What makes you proud?  

The ability to help others.

The best advice you have received?

“Do what you like.”

Something that stops you from sleeping?

Staying in a hotel that I don’t like.

Something that helps you sleep? 

A comfortable pillow.

If you were a historical figure, who would it be? 

Perhaps one day I could play the role of a male historical figure.

And a fictional character?


What is your favorite color? 

White, black and red.

What is your favorite stone?

The diamond. I am incredibly attracted to its many deep and mysterious faces.

A daytime piece of jewelry?

A diamond necklace, intense and captivating.

And for nighttime? 

A LOVE ring.