Letter from the editor

2022 has been another paradoxical year. A year of prosperity for our sector, yet full of turbulences and unexpected events. A year with many tensions, a terrible war starting in Europe, and severe lockdowns in China, while other parts of the world were returning to a normal life. Throughout this year, the financial and economic volatility were also significant, adding another element of uncertainty.

Over the past few years, we have learned how to live with uncertainty, building multiple scenario options and adapting to reality with flexibility.

We learned to rejoice and celebrate when we can, like during the first physical World Meeting since 2019 or during the amazing Beautés du Monde event in Madrid.

During this period we measured how much our “green zone” protects us, if we know how to both respect it and extend it, by pushing its creative limits. It allowed us to master our destiny and to draw our roadmap towards a unique future. True to who we are, confident without arrogance.

At the core of this green zone lies the source of eternal spring. Love and Beauty, acting together, Eros being the child of Aphrodite, a sign of creativity and fertility. Beauty may look superficial in an uncertain and violent world. The exact opposite is true. Beauty is probably
the most demanding ideal of all. 

Leaving a beautiful world to our children means a world that is at peace, where nature is preserved, and the cities are free from pollution, a world that respects diversity and dignity, equity and justice.

Beauty requires hard work.

Beauty transcends time. We can be touched by a piece of art made yesterday, or a few thousand years ago in Egypt or China. It is the same for Cartier creations, who move through time, keeping their beauty intact.

Our purpose is to see beauty wherever it may lie. To transform matter with passion. To serve love, endlessly. 

Our purpose as Corporate Citizens is also to see what is not beautiful, what is unfinished, and act on it. To support the most vulnerable, promote equality between men and women, preserve nature, sponsor art and creativity.

Beautism is a universal ideal. 

It guides us in all we do. Endlessly. 

Cyrille Vigneron
President and CEO of Cartier International